We are DC asia
About DC asia
DC asia is an operating company belonging to the Dorsch Holding GmbH for all of the group’s activities in Southeastern Asia. DC Asia head office is located in Bangkok, Thailand with a branch office in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The company offers an integrated, multi-disciplinary package of engineering, economic and environmental components covering the entire range of planning, design, supervision and advisory services for infrastructure and industry projects.
Key Data
- 34 years of experience in South East Asia
- 16 years incorporated DCasia Co., Ltd. (founded 8th January 1991)
- Registered capital 6 Mio THB = 130 TEUR
- Branches in Bangkok, Jakarta and Vietnam
- Supervised Investment over 1 Billion Euro
Our Quality Culture
Everyone talks about quality – but what exactly does that mean?
According the principle of "keep it simple", we also understand our own quality culture. For Dorsch it is important that at the end of the day the customer is satisfied with our performance. All measures must therefore be geared towards this ultimate goal. This can only be achieved, if our employees will questioning and continuously improve all our processes on the way to our (consulting) services. That is why Dorsch Global has introduced a quality management system that provides orientation and transparency as a kind of compass.
This quality management system as part of the integrated Dorsch management system pursues i. g. the following important topics:
- Sustainability: The principles of sustainable business management are part of the Dorsch Management System.
- Risk Awareness: We need to be aware of the risks involved in delivering performance to our clients, in order to provide appropriate advice.
- Transparency: Transparent documented processes make it easy to standardize and optimize processes.
- Continuity: Through the continuous improvement process, we want to increase customer satisfaction steadily.
- Know how: Our employees have the matching qualifications for our relevant customers. Through appropriate knowledge management, this knowledge is documented and passed on.