Milestone reached - Successful completion of the first construction phases on the railway line Treben-Lehma - Altenburg line with GRE

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The Sachsen-Franken-Magistrale (Saxony-Franconia Railroad), which runs from Hof to Leipzig and Dresden via the junction in Werdau, has been in existence for 160 years. With electrification and adaptation to new technical standards, the rail connections are to be improved, the capacities of passenger and freight traffic expanded and train speeds increased. People living in the region as well as long-distance passengers will benefit from this. 

The construction project "ESTW Altenburg" is located in the section Treben-Lehma and Altenburg and is part of the overall project ABS Karlsruhe - Leipzig; component 2 Leipzig - Hof. GRE has been commissioned with the planning of work phase 5 (implementation planning) and 9 (preparation of as-built documents) in the electrical engineering and telecommunications lots:

  • Electrical engineering: including overall grounding concept, lightning protection, construction site clearance, electrical points heating, supply network, track field lighting, platform lighting and equipment,
  • Telecommunications: including new construction/removal of track cables, passenger information, public address system, time service systems, fire alarm systems.

​Engineering services provided by GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH played a major role in the timely completion and commissioning of the line section, which the client emphasised in a letter of gratitude. 

The challenges in the project include above all the planning "under rolling wheels", which means that train traffic is not stopped, necessitating many intermediate construction stages before the final state is reached. The many interfaces with the various DB Federal Railways subsidiaries involved in the planning (including DB Energie, DB Netz, DB Station & Service, DB KT) require extensive coordination.GRE's client is a construction company working on behalf of DB AG, which means particular challenges for the flow of information. 

"Due to our relevant experience at GRE Berlin with construction companies, we enjoy working with these companies and the cooperation is friendly, constructive and target-oriented," says Axel Jaworski, Director of GRE Berlin Office.

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