Vision 8: Smart Transportation Eco-Systems

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Similar to computer architecture, where Software Solutions must be based on the pre-defined pattern of information to be processed and transported  in packages of Bits, Bytes on 32 or 64 bit Data-Highways and Processors, an efficient and flexible automated transport ecosystem must be based on a standard sized containment cascade, which allows standardised processing, sorting, storage and containment return management. The key to set up Smart automated Transportation Systems must be standardisation and inclusion.  

Standardisation means to standardise the containment and containment cascade based on multiples of the transported good, a kind of Matryoshka Principle. Containment Design must be based on different utilisation and handling, e.g. location of RFID, gripper, etc. 

Inclusion means, that the containments cascade should include all transported goods and persons as far as possible.  

The combination of this two paradigms will have the following advantages:

  • a high transport density, resulting in lower energy demand, less environmental impact and lower transport cost 
  • highest flexibility for most differentiated capacity utilisations of the overall system
  • most efficient CAPEX utilisation
  • compatible supply chain promise
  • software solutions based on these paradigms are compatible therefore open source programming such as android and linux can be applied to use public to create a myriad of apps